Become a dealer of seaweed products from Denmark!

If you would like to sell seaweed products, or hear more about us, contact us on phone +45 4042 5398 or write to us here.

The seaweed is hand harvested with specially trained divers, ensuring that the seaweed is always of the highest quality. We harvest the tang so it grows up again.

Products with seaweed! Do you fit as a dealer?

Our first products were made in an industrial kitchen in Nykøbing Sj. and since then we have been busy. Initially, we produced to Odsherred stores, but demand for our products increased, as we got more known through newspapers, radio and television. Today we are nationwide, but are still interested in new business partners, so if you have customers that’s thinking health, sustainability or veganism, then just contact us!

To eat seaweed is a great pleasure!

Most people know seaweed from sushi or seaweed salad that you can buy from the fish shop. But none of it is of Danish origin. Denmark has a large coastline and is therefore rich in many types of seaweeds, especially the area around Odsherred has unique possibilities for seaweed.

Consider seaweed like a spice similar to thyme, meriam or basil, all of which are a part of the everyday selection of herbs, just like them oarweed, toothed wrack, sugar kelp etc., is part of the spice family, seaweed. As a bonus, it is also more healthy. You can read more about the many benefits of seaweed here.

Recipes with seaweed, so you as a dealer can inspire your customers!

If you need ideas or just new recipes for how to use seaweed in your daily food, take a look at the recipes and see what Claus Henriksen, Anita Dietz and Liselotte Kira Gregers Andersen have suggested. If you have any other good suggestions, we would love to hear from you as well.

From the gourmet kitchen into your everyday life

We would like to be part of first row while the Nordic cuisine moves from the gourmet kitchen to your shopping cart and brings gourmet and quality to your kitchen and your everyday life. Therefore, we only use the best raw materials, as we will in no way compromise on the quality of the product. The seaweed that is used is hand harvested and subsequently hand-sorted.

Remember that seaweed is healthy and contributes a lot of vitamins – Technically, seaweed is a macroalgae that can contain between 10 and 20 times as many minerals as vegetables, and seaweed contains the necessary trace elements we need in everyday life eg . lime, iron, magnesium, sodium and iodine. Therefore, seaweed is an exciting food and an exciting spice in the food – and finally it also contains the sought after umami flavor.

Sustainable production

In addition to being based on local values ​​and local produce, our products are also sustainable. The drying of the seaweed is done by solar energy in the summer, and at the moment we are working on drying through surplus heat from industrial production in Odsherred in the winter.

When we produce our goods, we have no residual product – everything is being used.

Sustainable harvest – A signal we hope you as a dealer will convey!

Our harvest is as described previously by divers who cut the seaweed free over the growth zone. This means that the seaweed grows again, thereby enhancing the absorption of nutrients for the benefit of the ecosystem in the sea. Macro algae are very protein rich and according to the season, the protein content can be up to 30%, so seaweed has the potential to become one of the most important ingredients in a vegetarian diet plan.

We work for a healthy everyday

In this way Danish Seaweed puts its seaweed products on a growing market for new, sustainable food. In addition, macroalgae as food is interesting, it has been designated in many contexts to be one of several superfoods that can mean a difference in favor of better utilization of the earth’s resources globally.


GDPR: What personal data do we have – Danish Seaweed cvr: 37537217 about our customers:

These data we have about you:
• Danish seaweed does of course have data on you as a customer. The data is: CVR number, address, name, phone number and possibly contact person, and email address and / or EAN number to send out our invoices.
• Similarly, your payment history is being recorded in our bookkeeping system. We store this information to continue our cooperation.
• Finally, in our CRM system, we have information about the contacts we have had together. This information is registered in the form of a directory. We store this information to continue our cooperation.

You can always get information about what data we have about you. If you wish to be deleted, just send an email to: and write that you want to be deleted.